Credit monitoring & surveillance workspace
MuniRisk™ for Portfolio Managers makes credit analysis more efficient than you thought possible.
- Track hundreds of obligors and pinpoint credit outliers quickly — use heatmaps and credit indicators to anticipate potential risks
- Move from high-level to deep dive credit analysis quickly using full data that's linked to and organized by each obligor for you
- Assess relative value quickly with one-on-one comparative analysis and peer benchmarking tools
- Enable your credit teams to handle greater volume easily by eliminating manual data gathering — access complete municipal data coverage
Comprehensive research and analysis = true intelligence. Eliminate unknowns, improve client prospecting, and make better use of your credit research staff.
Scroll to learn more or download our Product Fact Sheet for Portfolio Managers here.
- Credit research application built on complete municipal market coverage backed by data from Bloomberg and MuniRisk™
- Intuitive design driven by portfolio managers, analysts, traders
- Eliminates data entry enabling better use of credit staff
- Unprecedented municipal market coverage backed by data from Bloomberg and MuniRisk™
- Complete financial data on over 48,000 obligors and 127,000+ individual fund accounts
- 30% more disclosures than available on EMMA
- Full security master, transaction, and valuation data
- Full economic and demographic data, all mapped back to county, MSA, state, and national performance
- Sector-specific operational data mapped back to obligors
- Monitor portfolios and watch lists, assess new issues, evaluate bid lists
- Pinpoint credit outliers using early warning indicators
- Unlock true relative value through comparative analytics: One-on-One or Peer Group functionality
- Heatmaps and graphical overlays let you visualize layered risk quickly
- Standard credit report enables on-the-go research
- Bloomberg shortcut keys embedded for efficient access to high value muni functions: DES, RELS, CF, YTW, YTC, YAS, BUY, SELL, BVAL, TDH, MBWD
- Connect with MuniRisk™ Community via IB
- Interact over single data platform with clients and counterparties
- Generate ideas, drive debate, execute trade tickets